What pictures?
C-caw C-caw!!
Kenny, great M&G. Thanks for putting this together!! Glad to see Carla up and about. It was great seeing you all. I was glad to meet a few new faces. Can't believe SgtStever really has a wife or was it the neighbor? To recap for those that missed out...I'm guessing 30 or so camped and a few others that came in for day. Even Wayne (TXGABOY) showed up as we were leaving today.You had your choice between Billville and Showville. Took a nice leasurely ride Saturday. Burgers were good but waited way too long. The weather was good, saw 4 or 5 moons Friday night. Saw some baby melons Saturday night. Hookem got waxed.Learned quite a few new phrases... Some repeatable and some not. Too all a good night.Shut your pie whole.And see you next year. oh and more thing...we have pictures
I'm thinking we need to build a photo album for those pics that can't be posted and have them on display at BBT V. Anyone agree? IF so, send them to me and I'll print. I have an extra album I can use.
Uploaded my pics. I didn't take very many pictures and missed the games and the lunch but there's a few there.http://wwwtemp.texasxriders.com/v/User/troman62/