Texas X Riders

Main Area => General Discussion => Topic started by: crow57 on August 25, 2007, 12:13:34 AM

Title: "Noise Laws Could Muffle Motorcycle Sales"
Post by: crow57 on August 25, 2007, 12:13:34 AM
http://news.moneycentral.msn.com/ticker/article.aspx?Feed=AP&Date=20070822&ID=7361241&Symbol=HOG (http://news.moneycentral.msn.com/ticker/article.aspx?Feed=AP&Date=20070822&ID=7361241&Symbol=HOG)
Title: Re: "Noise Laws Could Muffle Motorcycle Sales"
Post by: N5TWL on August 25, 2007, 06:53:00 AM
This sucks, I bet accidents with motorcycles will go up. Load pipes save lives.
Title: Re: "Noise Laws Could Muffle Motorcycle Sales"
Post by: snake on August 25, 2007, 07:57:07 AM
I suppose the "loud pipes save lives" crowd believes the statement... but this is also where the current topic arises from.
The statement in the article:"From our perspective, this creates enormous problems for us because people notice the one motorcycle that makes a lot of noise," said Bill Wood, spokesman for the American Motorcyclist Association. "They don't notice the 50 that pass that don't. So there's a perception that motorcycles are noisy"; is a bunch of bull. The quiet motorcycles are the one motorcycle in 50. That is why the regulations are flying, because the "loud pipes save lives" crowd  blast their way through traffic, threatening the eardrums of the poor motorist with their windows down, and startling the drivers that didn't notice them coming, making babies cry and drivers flinch away from the passing M/C. And the people next door or down the street that are awakened everytime you leave early or arrive home late with your fire breathing dragon.
Do you expect people to forget the fact that  a large group of M/C's will come to an intersection and illegally block an intersection till all the bikes have gone through, and they have had to wait?
And, forget the fact that you have large groups of M/C's slowing traffic and faster traffic having to slow down and not be able to pass a large string of M/C because they'd be in the passing lane for a minute or better to be able to reach the front of the motorcycle "pack" so they could re-enter the lane...when you startle, scare, or make a motorist flinch at the "sudden appearance" of a screaming, roaring motorcycle that has suddenly materialized right next to their window, you're gonna' piss them off at the least. If they happen to be people that are or know who to contact to get something done about it...they will. I, as a rider, am still annoyed when a baffless or might as well be a baffleless motorcycle shatters the peace while sitting at an outside eating or drinking establishment. I know how non riders feel. Loud pipes MAY save lives...but you'd serve the motorcycle community a whole lot better if you'd hone you're riding skills and pay attention instead of trying to scare everyone away from you with loud pipes!
Title: Re: "Noise Laws Could Muffle Motorcycle Sales"
Post by: hipshot on August 25, 2007, 09:22:38 AM
Thank you John. Driving intelligently saves lives. Loud pipes piss people off. People buy motorcycles for a lot of reasons, but I think that two of the biggest ones are so that they can dress up like pirates and so they can make a lot of noise. I find it really absurd that so many motorcycles are louder than a V-8 automobile with illegal exhausts. And the constant references to "setting off car alarms" hurts us all -- you think the people pushing these laws don't read these motorcycle forums and present such nonsense as the norm? I like a good-sounding set of pipes as much as anyone, but it's about the tone, not the volume.

I really get tickled when I hear "It's my right." It's not your right; it has been illegal for years. The reason it's been illegal for years is because so many inconsiderate, immature jerks insist on scaring and annoying people so they can play "Billy Badass Outlaw Biker" or compensate for their perceived sexual inadequacies. Those of you who cry that only loud pipes can make the motorcycling world safe remind me of Hillary the Hun; loudly proclaiming that only her 'common sense gun control' laws can make the world safe. Both premises have been proven wrong over and over, but their proponents refuse to accept facts and continue to try to force their skewed standards on the rest of the world. Spouting that loud pipes save lives merely shows people with a modicum of intelligence that you are either incapable of logical reasoning or you are a sheep blindly following your 'loud pipes' guru.
Title: Re: "Noise Laws Could Muffle Motorcycle Sales"
Post by: murray_61 on August 25, 2007, 09:33:03 AM
Quote from: Wooderson
Man, it's the same bs they tried to pull in my day. If it ain't that piece of paper, there's some other choice they're gonna try and make for you. You gotta do what you want to do man. Let me tell you this, the older you do get the more rules they're gonna try to get you to follow. You just gotta keep livin' man, L-I-V-I-N.

Title: Re: "Noise Laws Could Muffle Motorcycle Sales"
Post by: tom cat on August 25, 2007, 09:57:03 AM
Dress up like a pirate!!! Arrrrr.
Title: Re: "Noise Laws Could Muffle Motorcycle Sales"
Post by: tbizzle on August 25, 2007, 10:03:33 AM
I just like loud pipes whether they save lives or not. ???
Title: Re: "Noise Laws Could Muffle Motorcycle Sales"
Post by: crow57 on August 25, 2007, 10:14:10 AM
I've been quiet, and I've been loud.  Loud is better.   I try not to be obnoxious with it.
Title: Re: "Noise Laws Could Muffle Motorcycle Sales"
Post by: crow57 on August 25, 2007, 10:21:50 AM
_In Lancaster, Pa., starting this month riders -- and all motor vehicle drivers -- could be ticketed for drawing attention to themselves, whether by creating too much noise by revving their engines or doing hard accelerations. Tickets start at $150.

Now that seems sensible.  They recognize the difference between a bike with loud pipes, and somebody who's just trying to be obnoxious.

Title: Re: "Noise Laws Could Muffle Motorcycle Sales"
Post by: bIgPrO on August 25, 2007, 03:59:36 PM
_In Lancaster, Pa., starting this month riders -- and all motor vehicle drivers -- could be ticketed for drawing attention to themselves, whether by creating too much noise by revving their engines or doing hard accelerations. Tickets start at $150.

Now that seems sensible.  They recognize the difference between a bike with loud pipes, and somebody who's just trying to be obnoxious.

I agree. I hate people that rev their engines while driving thru an underpass or driving by  group people. Do they actually know how stupid they look....  Well answer TXCajun & Sgt Stever ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: "Noise Laws Could Muffle Motorcycle Sales"
Post by: Morgan Buchanan on August 25, 2007, 05:17:10 PM
_As of July 1, riders in New York City are subject to a minimum $440 fine for having a muffler or exhaust system that can be heard within 200 feet.

Huh?  2 feet is "within" 200 feet.  So you can be fined if someone hears your motorcycle 2 feet away?
Title: Re: "Noise Laws Could Muffle Motorcycle Sales"
Post by: X-aholic on August 25, 2007, 07:28:24 PM
I like my loud pipes. If I wanted a quiet bike I would have bought a rebel
Title: Re: "Noise Laws Could Muffle Motorcycle Sales"
Post by: crow57 on August 25, 2007, 09:21:13 PM
_As of July 1, riders in New York City are subject to a minimum $440 fine for having a muffler or exhaust system that can be heard within 200 feet.

Huh?  2 feet is "within" 200 feet.  So you can be fined if someone hears your motorcycle 2 feet away?

So , conversely, if you can hear me 201 feet away, I must be legal...   You should've been a lawyer, Morgan.
Title: Re: "Noise Laws Could Muffle Motorcycle Sales"
Post by: Morgan Buchanan on August 26, 2007, 06:54:26 AM
That's what I'm getting at bro.  Woot!  Rev it up!
Title: Re: "Noise Laws Could Muffle Motorcycle Sales"
Post by: Dusty on August 26, 2007, 07:36:49 AM
I attended a C.O.C. meeting yesterday and they hit on this a little. Their biggest complaint was the citations being issued without proof (a measurement of decibels) of how noisy the pipes are and what the bench mark for too noisy is.

Another concern along the same lines was an increase in citations for not wearing a helmet. Specifically in the DFW area. Apparently if you don't have the proper amount/type of medical coverage (yes, this means you have to carry your declaration page) on your insurance and you have a non-helmeted passenger, you can be issued a citation for that person not wearing a helmet.

I don't know if their particular statistics were based on just Club member stops or motorcyclist stops in general. I guess it could be a case of a few officers just wanting to harass MC club members. There was mention of people being stopped, held for as long as 2 hours and then given a verbal warning and released so that there was no record of the stop.

There's two sides to every story.

Title: Re: "Noise Laws Could Muffle Motorcycle Sales"
Post by: SouthernXer on August 26, 2007, 08:27:01 AM
I attended a C.O.C. meeting yesterday and they hit on this a little. Their biggest complaint was the citations being issued without proof (a measurement of decibels) of how noisy the pipes are and what the bench mark for too noisy is.

Another concern along the same lines was an increase in citations for not wearing a helmet. Specifically in the DFW area. Apparently if you don't have the proper amount/type of medical coverage (yes, this means you have to carry your declaration page) on your insurance and you have a non-helmeted passenger, you can be issued a citation for that person not wearing a helmet.

I don't know if their particular statistics were based on just Club member stops or motorcyclist stops in general. I guess it could be a case of a few officers just wanting to harass MC club members. There was mention of people being stopped, held for as long as 2 hours and then given a verbal warning and released so that there was no record of the stop.

There's two sides to every story.


I''d have to agree with this.  I know that the stops for not wearing a helmet up here have increased somewhat.  LE is looking for the endorsement sticker that should be on your license plate very closely now.  My suggestion is that if you are riding around without a helmet it would be wise to invest in one of those little stickers for your plate.   

I am not sure however, if they can pull you over for not wearing your helmet as a primary offense.  Maybe one of our LE's could chime in and clarify.  It's all probably just a big generator for more state dollars but it is better to be safe than sorry, I s'pose.  O0
Title: Re: "Noise Laws Could Muffle Motorcycle Sales"
Post by: murray_61 on August 26, 2007, 11:16:21 AM
If you do not have the sticker, then yes, they can pull you over to check and see if you meet the requirements...  If you do have it, then they can't pull you over for you or the passenger, as the primary offense as long as the sticker is clearly visible.  I got pulled over for no helmet a few times before I was 21  (1 requirement is to be 21+)  only got a ticket once, and haven't been checked  since, I just carry my insurance card with me...


Do passengers have to meet the same age/insurance/training requirements as the operator?

It is presumed that operators and passengers on a motorcycle displaying a helmet exempt sticker on the license plate or plate holder meet the age/insurance/training requirements.

No helmet exempt sticker on the motorcycle? If the motorcycle owner has the state-required minimum insurance, passengers, providing they are at least 21 years of age, can ride on a motorcycle without a helmet.

Is the helmet exemption sticker required before a motorcyclist can ride without a helmet?

No. The sticker indicates that the motorcyclist meets the requirement for riding without a helmet, and law enforcement officers will presume that they do. Without the sticker motorcyclists may be requested to show police officers their proof of course completion or insurance coverage.

Does the insurance card have to state that the insurance affords benefits of at least $10,000 for injuries incurred as a result of a motorcycle accident?

No. Major health insurance plans almost always provide at least $10,000 coverage, generally more. Moreover, the Department’s administrative rules do not require the insurance card to display the amount of policy coverage. Therefore, an insurance card such as provided by an employer, group health insurance company (HMO/PPO), the Veterans Administration, Medicare or Medicaid, is prima facie proof that the coverage meets statutory requirements and is satisfactory proof of the required coverage. Insurance cards for life insurance policies, cancer only policies, or accidental death and dismemberment policies do not meet the health insurance plan requirement as they have a more narrow coverage than is required by the statute.

Title: Re: "Noise Laws Could Muffle Motorcycle Sales"
Post by: BIG A on August 26, 2007, 04:45:26 PM
when we went to the coloradical this year, denvers noise law had just gone into effect on july 1, luckly no one was stopped, was sure they would of made a few examples, but we lucked out, we were told that a stock vtx couldn't pass their strict noise level, it also made it so you have to buy your exhaust from the dealer, which we all know is going to be 3 times too high, sure makes it look like they are picking on motorcyclist ??? :-\ :-\ >:(
Title: Re: "Noise Laws Could Muffle Motorcycle Sales"
Post by: X-aholic on August 26, 2007, 04:49:13 PM
when we went to the coloradical this year, denvers noise law had just gone into effect on july 1, luckly no one was stopped, was sure they would of made a few examples, but we lucked out, we were told that a stock vtx couldn't pass their strict noise level, it also made it so you have to buy your exhaust from the dealer, which we all know is going to be 3 times too high, sure makes it look like they are picking on motorcyclist ??? :-\ :-\ >:(
what about those little asians driving around in thier civics and toyotas and the like, with thier noisy Cranberries exhaust? That is a whole lot more annoying (IMO) than any motorcycle
Title: Re: "Noise Laws Could Muffle Motorcycle Sales"
Post by: hookem on August 26, 2007, 04:58:04 PM
The "helmet exemption" sticker is an absolute joke.  As to it being seen by a LEO and them then presuming that you meet the requirements.......   YEAH, right.......they are a pale yellow, the size of an individually-wrapped toothpick, and we all know how many varying locations/mounts for your plate that exist.
Title: Re: "Noise Laws Could Muffle Motorcycle Sales"
Post by: VT-XS on August 26, 2007, 07:09:31 PM
People buy motorcycles for a lot of reasons, but I think that two of the biggest ones are so that they can dress up like pirates and so they can make a lot of noise.

That's classic. Utterly classic. Thanks for an enjoyable moment. ;D

really should say "Cruisers" instead of motorcycles. Us Sport Touring types enjoy looking like power rangers.

On a serious note....

I think that 99 percent of the time the noise is behind you and the danger is in front.
Title: Re: "Noise Laws Could Muffle Motorcycle Sales"
Post by: Swampfox on August 26, 2007, 08:01:47 PM
Oh my this is a noise problem and it an't funny to the one thats got to sleep in the hills on the last house on a street with frogs and stuff on it at night.  Now stop making noise on a road at night or anythime now that it is on a stock yamaha or Get HD to stop it it's just posers any who!  Guyly manly thing.  Are you guy hEEEEEeeehhhhhee ;D
Title: Re: "Noise Laws Could Muffle Motorcycle Sales"
Post by: hooter on August 26, 2007, 08:32:44 PM
Oh my this is a noise problem and it an't funny to the one thats got to sleep in the hills on the last house on a street with frogs and stuff on it at night.  Now stop making noise on a road at night or anythime now that it is on a stock yamaha or Get HD to stop it it's just posers any who!  Guyly manly thing.  Are you guy hEEEEEeeehhhhhee ;D

Hey Swamp, I couldn't have said what ever it was you said any better O0 O0 O0 I agree to what ever it was :-\ :-\
Title: Re: "Noise Laws Could Muffle Motorcycle Sales"
Post by: hookem on August 26, 2007, 08:46:07 PM
Oh my this is a noise problem and it an't funny to the one thats got to sleep in the hills on the last house on a street with frogs and stuff on it at night.  Now stop making noise on a road at night or anythime now that it is on a stock yamaha or Get HD to stop it it's just posers any who!  Guyly manly thing.  Are you guy hEEEEEeeehhhhhee ;D

HUH???????? ??? ??? ??? ???

No decoder ring needed to decipher a Swampy post?
Title: Re: "Noise Laws Could Muffle Motorcycle Sales"
Post by: TAZ on August 26, 2007, 09:45:26 PM
Well I know of at many times that my loud pipes kept someone from coming all the way over on me on the freeway. :o  I always tend to grab the clutch before letting off the gas in a case like that.  It works everytime. O0
Just my 2 pennies. O0
Title: Re: "Noise Laws Could Muffle Motorcycle Sales"
Post by: wwaggett on August 26, 2007, 10:41:04 PM
Well I know of at many times that my loud pipes kept someone from coming all the way over on me on the freeway. :o  I always tend to grab the clutch before letting off the gas in a case like that.  It works everytime. O0
Just my 2 pennies. O0

I agree. I take the freeway to work everyday and have had many close calls. I have a Stebel horn also, and It has kept a few cages from invading my space.
Title: Re: "Noise Laws Could Muffle Motorcycle Sales"
Post by: hooter on August 26, 2007, 10:53:55 PM
Just my $.02 worth. I run V&H and their loud. I enjoy the sound but at the sametime I try not to disturb the neighborhood as I enter and leave because being shift worker and a sometime day sleeper and I understand disturbing sounds, lawn mowers, weed eaters, Ice cream trucks, an the number 1 is them G D Brothers cars crusin around "Bassin" with all the sheet metal on the outside of their rides rattling like a bunch of tin pans on a rough road. I try to be courteous in town (I live in a small town) but on the highway, if I scare or startle someone that didn't see me then so be it. If they weren't talking on that G D cell phone or just paying attention, maybe they would have seen me before I blow out their ear drums. I ride almost 80 miles a day on I-35 and SH 67 and encounter many 18 wheelers and cagers each way and I'm always looking and trying to figure out what the other guy is thinking or where his mind might be, as we all are, or should be doing before we make the move to pass. Loud pipes don't work on vehicles in front of you, only your judgement can decide if your spoted or not.
 There's a post here on the board about the noise level laws in Denver from Big A that rode the Coloradical, and they were real worried about getting stopped for the noise law. If you don't abuse the noise level by being a show off or being kinda stupid, then the law won't mess with ya (hopefully). It's, if they pass a law here on excessive noise then I'm sure it will be kinda like the speed limits. You know that 71 or 72 in a 65. you generally won't get you stopped but------.  If your racking your pipes or excessive excelleration to make them bitches talk, then they'll get ya. I don't like it either, but we all know it will probably come to pass someday.
Title: Re: "Noise Laws Could Muffle Motorcycle Sales"
Post by: X-aholic on August 27, 2007, 05:09:41 AM
well said hooter. Very articulate, I didnt think you had it in ya ;D O0
Title: Re: "Noise Laws Could Muffle Motorcycle Sales"
Post by: hooter on August 27, 2007, 06:24:10 AM
Spell check helps  O0
Title: Re: "Noise Laws Could Muffle Motorcycle Sales"
Post by: VT-XS on August 27, 2007, 06:50:12 AM
A freeway riding tip I'm sure that most, if not all, of you all already know......

On a crowded and briskly moving freeway, I feel kinda like a pinball when I'm riding a bike, and noise wise, I ride a sewing machine.

I ride all the way to the inside lane, hug the inside stripe and go slightly faster than the flow of traffic. This means that traffic can only come at me from the right. If a car starts to cross into my lane and there's time I accelerate to get out where the TarterSauce can see me. In a worst case scenario I'll ride the stripe and share the lane with the intruder or use the emergency lane for an escape if there is one. When there is an HOV lane with a concrete barrier, those options diminish.

I stay out of the outside lanes as much as possible, particularly at exits because that is where the morons think their world will end if they miss their exit. Imagine the frantic housewife saying to the LEO:

"OMG! I thought I was gonna miss my exit and I was late to pick little Johnny from pre school."

"But Mam, you ran over and killed a motorcyclist."

"OMG! I'm so sorry, but what about Little Johnny. I was late." >:( >:( >:( >:(

Ask Hipshot, those people exist. Anyways, I read that early on when I bought the VTX, if anything there helps anyone else, that's a good thing.
Title: Re: "Noise Laws Could Muffle Motorcycle Sales"
Post by: Morgan Buchanan on August 27, 2007, 07:10:13 AM
Spell check helps  O0

Some people hit the spelling and grammar check and their computer tells 'em to go to H. E. double hockey sticks.  Or so I'd guess.  LOL

It's funny, I have 3" staggered drags which are loud and can be LOUD but people who tear it UP really loud in town and around civilians really bug the crap out of me.  It's like the morons who go to Wilhoits and they rev their engines stupid loud when they are leaving.  DUDE, nobody is impressed.   A BUNCH of the rest of us have bikes too.  Whooop-de-freaking-do.
Title: Re: "Noise Laws Could Muffle Motorcycle Sales"
Post by: murray_61 on August 27, 2007, 04:45:46 PM
I thought I was cool from about 16 - 20 when I had a crazy sound system in my truck, and loud exhaust (my dad did custom exhaust for a living and i worked with him through high school) and now that stuff annoys the crap out of me at 25...  but I have to admit, the loud exhaust on my bike gives me wood...
Title: Re: "Noise Laws Could Muffle Motorcycle Sales"
Post by: snake on August 27, 2007, 05:04:27 PM
but I have to admit, the loud exhaust on my bike gives me wood...
Now, THATS just plain sick... Gettin wood at the thought of a coupla' hot pipes blowing... ;D
Title: Re: "Noise Laws Could Muffle Motorcycle Sales"
Post by: murray_61 on August 27, 2007, 05:19:11 PM
It's a sick world and you're a caveman!!! ;D
Title: Re: "Noise Laws Could Muffle Motorcycle Sales"
Post by: bIgPrO on August 27, 2007, 05:55:31 PM
I don't mind loud it's the idiots that rev their engines at stop signs and underpasses
Title: Re: "Noise Laws Could Muffle Motorcycle Sales"
Post by: kenpo chris on August 27, 2007, 06:01:41 PM
 >:(Sorry to say but I also thought that when I grew up I would get tired of the loud noise.  But now that I'm pushing 40 I still love my loud misic, duel exhaust and the baffles removed from my VTX.
Title: Re: "Noise Laws Could Muffle Motorcycle Sales"
Post by: snake on August 27, 2007, 06:13:03 PM
See there Big Pro... you proved Hipshots theorum in your signature line:

S&S 100 Smooth,BBC Tornado Air Kit,V-Twin Pirate footpegs, 191/4 seat height
 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: "Noise Laws Could Muffle Motorcycle Sales"
Post by: X-aholic on August 28, 2007, 03:18:02 PM
I thought I was cool from about 16 - 20 when I had a crazy sound system in my truck, and loud exhaust (my dad did custom exhaust for a living and i worked with him through high school) and now that stuff annoys the crap out of me at 25...  but I have to admit, the loud exhaust on my bike gives me wood...
speaking of wood go to Google and search the work love, it is hilarious
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